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Ultimate Frisbee, or just Ultimate, is a non-contact sport that is spreading rapidly across the globe. Ultimate is played with a Frisbee instead of a traditional air-filled ball like most sports.  The field is made up of a playing area and two end zones, similar to a Football field, with two teams of seven that compete against one another.  What really sets Ultimate aside is the culture that surrounds it.  

All players follow the golden rule, treat others how you would want to be treated.  This is known as the Spirit of The Game and it runs deep in every Ultimate player.  While still remaining competitive, Ultimate is a sport for all ages and skill levels that offers fun, exercise, and enjoyment.

The sport of Ultimate has become popular because of it’s simplicity, competitiveness, and overall respect for the game and others around.  Ultimate has been around for barely 80 years and yet it has proven its potential by spreading to colleges, high schools, and towns everywhere.  With over 130,000 registered players worldwide and growing rapidly Ultimate Frisbee will truly be the sport of the future.

How to play Ultimate Frisbee?

The rules of frisbee are relatively simple.  The main objective is to make it to the Point Cap before your opponent by catching the frisbee in the end zone.  A team will work together to try and get the frisbee down the field as efficiently as possible by the use of various Throws. When holding the frisbee one cannot move, they can only Pivot on one foot until they release the disc.  When not holding the disc one must run and Cut through the field trying to get open to complete a pass.  This is repeated until a catch is made in the end zone. With every point made the teams switch sides to score in the opposite end zone.

To start the game or a new point both teams will line up on the end zones they are trying to defend.  The defensive team will Pull the disc to the other team to start play.  The other team will have possession until the disc gets defended, thrown out-of-bounds, or if there is a turnover.  If a turnover occurs, the team that initially pulled the disc is now on offense.  This team tries to work the disc up field to score. This is repeated until the team with the best passes, catches, and strategy win the game.  These rules are just the basics.  Check out Rules and How To Play which breaks down the entire sport of Ultimate Frisbee into ten easy categories.


极限飞盘是一项在美国高中和大学中十分流行的运动. 至少是在那里开始的, 但是现在已经遍布全球. 这是一项在类似足球场或者橄榄球场进行的没有身体接触的运动. 对阵双方各有7名队员. 比赛开始时由一方开盘扔到对阵方并跑向对方进行防守, 另一方则要有一个人接到盘或者在盘落地的地方捡起飞盘, 此时竞技开始. 任何持盘者不能再跑动. 持盘者需要在10秒钟之内在一名防守队员的防守下将飞盘传给自己的队友. 此时, 持盘者必须有一条腿在地上不移动但是可以以这条腿作为支点. 前后方向都是可以进行传盘的. 得分的方法是在场地上准确的将飞盘传给自己的队友并且在得分区接到飞盘. 在比赛结束时得分最多的队伍获胜.

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