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10 Common Ultimate Frisbee Questions FAQ

1. What does an Ultimate Frisbee field look like?

An Ultimate Frisbee field is rectangular shape with an end zone for each team at both ends. A regulation playing field is 70 x 40 yards. Each end zone is 25 yards.

Of course, not everyone is lucky enough to have a regulation field available to them, so you can adjust as needed.


2. How do we start?

We start a point by having each team of seven players lining up at the front line of each end zone. Play is started when the team receiving the disc raises their hand to signal they are ready. The defence throws the disc to the offence. This throw is called the Pull.


3. How do we score?

You can score a point by making a complete pass into the defense's end zone. The scorers will stay at this side of the field and the other team will move to the opposite end-zone to receive a pull to re-initiate play.


4. Which directions can the disc be moved?

Movement of the Disc: The disc may be advanced in any direction by completing a pass to a teammate. Players may not run with the disc or hand it off to someone. It must be thrown by the thrower within the 10 second stall count made by the marker.


5. How does the disc change possession?

Any time a pass isn’t complete from 2 people on the same team it is a turnover. This includes a dropped disc, throwing out of bounds, an interception, and the end of the stall count.

6. When can we make a substitution?

You can make a sub after a point or during a time out for an injury. You cannot leave the field if you are just tired.


7. How much contact is allowed?

Ultimate is a non-contact sport. When trying to make space, or trying to play defense, you must make every effort not to make contact or it is considered a foul.


8. What is considered a foul?

If contact is made between two players, this is considered a foul. Loudly say “foul!” so all players can hear and stop moving. If a foul interferes with a catch or possession in general, people will go back to their approximate position at the time of the call. The disc is checked in and play resumes. If the person involved in the foul disagrees, calmly and politely say contest, and resume from the last person with the disc prior to the foul from that approximate place on the field.


9. Are there referees?

In ultimate, each player is responsible for making all the calls, so learning the rules in detail is important. Especially if you disagree. If you disagree with a call, ask the captain to help for clarification. Try to resolve disagreements quickly, politely and with good spirit in mind. Do not make bad calls, to gain some advantage or out of some sense of revenge for a previous bad call you think someone made.


10. What is “Spirit of the Game”?

Ultimate Frisbee most important rule and code of conduct. Good sportsmanship, a friendly attitude and respect to all players, knowing and following the rules, making good calls regardless of how it may affect your team’s chances are all very important and help distinguish this sport from all others.






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